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Globus Auth token storage.


    filepath: str | None = None,
    namespace: str = "DEFAULT"
) -> SQLiteAdapter

Create token storage adapter.


  • filepath (str | None, default: None ) –

    Name of the database file. This is passed to SQLite so :memory: is a valid option for an in-memory database. If not provided, defaults to a file in the ProxyStore home directory (see home_dir()).

  • namespace (str, default: 'DEFAULT' ) –

    Optional namespace to use within the database. See SQLiteAdapter for more detauls.


Source code in proxystore/globus/
def get_token_storage_adapter(
    filepath: str | None = None,
    namespace: str = 'DEFAULT',
) -> SQLiteAdapter:
    """Create token storage adapter.

        filepath: Name of the database file. This is passed to SQLite so
            `:memory:` is a valid option for an in-memory database. If not
            provided, defaults to a file in the ProxyStore home directory
            (see [`home_dir()`][proxystore.utils.environment.home_dir]).
        namespace: Optional namespace to use within the database. See
            [`SQLiteAdapter`][globus_sdk.tokenstorage.SQLiteAdapter] for
            more detauls.

        Token storage adapter.
    if filepath is None:
        filepath = os.path.join(home_dir(), _TOKENS_FILE)
    if filepath != ':memory:':
        pathlib.Path(filepath).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    return SQLiteAdapter(filepath, namespace=namespace)