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Relay Serving

A relay server facilitates establishing peer to peer connections between two ProxyStore Endpoints. Hosting your own relay server is simple if you have a host accessible from the internet (e.g., a compute instance from a cloud provider or a machine behind a NAT with an open port) and the ProxyStore package installed.

Local Serving

The proxystore-relay CLI is installed with the ProxyStore package and is used to serve a relay server instance.

$ proxystore-relay --port 8700

This relay server would be accessible at ws://localhost:8700. For example, an endpoint can be configure with this URI and will connect this instance when started.

$ proxystore-endpoint configure my-endpoint --relay-server ws://localhost:8700
$ proxystore-endpoint start my-endpoint --no-detach

Here you would see the endpoint register with the relay server instance. See the Endpoints Overview for more on how endpoints interact with a relay server.

Enabling TLS

In the above example, we connected to the relay with ws:// which indicates that the connection is unencrypted. The relay can be served using TLS encryption if a valid SSL certificate is provided.


This guide will not describe how to create a valid SSL certificate and private key file because the steps can change depending on the environment. The rest of the guide assumes cert.pem and the corresponding privkey.pem exist.

Advanced serving, such as TLS encryption, requires a relay configuration file.

port = 8700
certfile = "cert.pem"
keyfile = "privkey.pem"

The relay can be started using the relay.toml file and will be accessible at wss://localhost:8700 (note the change in protocol from ws:// to wss://).

$ proxystore-relay --config relay.toml

Logging Behavior

The relay logs to stdout at the INFO level and above by default. This behavior can be changed via the --log-level and --log-dir CLI options or via the configuration file.


CLI options can be combined with a configuration file, and CLI options will override the values in the configuration file if both are provided.

The logging configuration is set in the [logging] section. All configurations are optional with defaults defined in RelayLoggingConfig.

log_dir = "/path/to/log/dir"
default_log_level = "INFO"
websockets_log_level = "WARNING"
current_client_interval = 60
current_client_limit = 32

User Authentication

A relay provides no user authentication by default. This means that any client can connect to any other client as long as they know the client's UUID. This may be suitable for internal or development purposes, but users should take extra precautions to ensure sensitive data is not exposed.

The relay implementation supports serving with Globus Auth. The following describes the steps required to create a Globus developer application and serve the relay with Globus Auth.


The following guide is based on Action Provider Tools.

Register an Application


  1. Visit the Globus Developer Dashboard and sign in.
  2. Select the option to "Register a portal, science gateway, or other application you host."
  3. Create a new project or register the application under an existing project if you have one.

    • The "App Name" is the name displayed on the Globus login and user consent pages when users request access tokens.
    • The redirect can be the standard Globus Auth callback:
    • The remaining options can be left to the default or adjusted to your needs.
  4. Register the application and navigate to the application dashboard under the project your application was registered to.

  5. Record the client UUID and create a new client secret. Save the client secret because it will not be accessible if you lose it.

Configure Scopes


Here we will add a new scope to our application. This is necessary because clients of our relay will need to request this scope for the relay server to authenticate the clients.


Some of these steps use the jq command which is not installed by default on most machines but is very helpful for formatting the JSON responses in a readable format.

  1. Export your client UUID and secret.
  2. Inspect current scopes of the application.
    You should see the scopes field is empty.
  3. Create a file containing our scopes document scope.json.
        "scope": {
            "name": "Register with the ProxyStore Relay Server",
            "description": "Register with the ProxyStore Relay Server which enables peer connection with other ProxyStore Endpoints owned by you.",
            "scope_suffix": "relay_all",
            "dependent_scopes": [],
            "advertised": true,
            "allow_refresh_tokens": true
    The fields can be adjusted as necessary, but we suggest keeping allow_refresh_tokens as true.
  4. Post the scopes document to the application.
    $ curl -s --user $PROXYSTORE_GLOBUS_CLIENT_ID:$PROXYSTORE_GLOBUS_CLIENT_SECRET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST$PROXYSTORE_GLOBUS_CLIENT_ID/scopes -d @scope.json | jq
  5. Confirm our new scope is present in the application.
    You will see the scopes UUID in the scopes field.
  6. Check the scope's details using the UUID found above. (Replace <SCOPE_UUID> with the actual UUID.)

Update the Relay Config

The [auth] section of the relay configuration is used to enable the authentication method of the relay server. Add the following and update the client_id and client_secret with the client UUID and secret from the application registration. The audience parameter should also be set to the client UUID.

method = "globus"

client_id = "..."
client_secret = "..."
audience = "..."

The relay server will use the Globus token introspection API to authenticate users using the bearer tokens provided in the opening websocket handshake. The token introspection process will return information about the user that the token represents, including the intended audiences for the token. The relay will ensure that it is an intended audience of the token by matching against the audience field provided in the config.

Run the Relay

After updating the configuration file, the relay can be run normally.


A relay server should always be served with TLS encryption when using Globus Auth for user authentication.

$ proxystore-relay --config relay.toml

Connecting as a Client

The RelayClient can be used to connect to the server but requires some extra configuration to connect to the relay that is being served with Globus Auth.

import asyncio

from proxystore.globus.manager import NativeAppAuthManager
from proxystore.p2p.relay.client import RelayClient

RELAY_APP_SCOPE = 'relay_all'

async def main() -> None:
    manager = NativeAppAuthManager(
        resource_server_scopes={RELAY_APP_UUID: [RELAY_APP_SCOPE]},
    authorizer = manager.get_authorizer(RELAY_APP_UUID)

    async with RelayClient(
        # This Authorization header is used by the relay server to authenticate
        # the new user connection
        extra_headers={'Authorization': authorizer.get_authorization_header()},
        # This is only necessary if using a self-signed SSL certificate.
    ) as client:
        input('Continue and disconnect?')

if __name__ == '__main__':