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Streaming Objects with ProxyStore

Last updated 29 January 2024

This guide describes the motivation for and usage of ProxyStore's streaming interface.


Some familiarity with ProxyStore is assumed. Check out the Get Started guide and Concepts page to learn more about ProxyStore's core concepts.

The StreamProducer and StreamConsumer interfaces decouple bulk object communication from event notifications through the use of object proxies. This enables users to mix and match bulk object communication methods (via the Connector interface) and message stream brokers (via the Publisher and Subscriber interfaces). Additionally, because the StreamConsumer yields proxies of objects from the stream, bulk data transfer only occurs between the source and true destination of the object from the stream (i.e., the process which resolves the proxy from the stream).

Use Cases

The ProxyStore streaming interface can be used anywhere where one process needs to stream objects to another process, and the interface can be used to optimize the deployment via different Connector and Publisher/ Subscriber implementations.

But, this model is particularly powerful for applications which dispatch remote compute tasks on objects consumed from a stream. To understand why, consider the application in Figure 1 where Process A is a data generator streaming chunks of data (i.e., arbitrary Python objects) to Process B, a dispatcher which dispatches a compute task on a remote Process C using the data chunk.

ProxyStore Streaming

Figure 1: ProxyStore Streaming example.

In this scenario, while the dispatcher is consuming from the stream, the dispatcher does not need to have the actual chunk of data; rather, it only needs to know that a chunk is ready in order to dispatch a task which will actually consume the chunk. This is where a stream of proxies is beneficial---the processes reading from the StreamConsumer is receiving lightweight proxies from the stream and passing those proxies along to later computation stages. The bulk data are only transmitted between the data generator and the process/node computing on the proxy of the chunk, bypassing the intermediate dispatching process.


Here is an example of using the StreamProducer and StreamConsumer interfaces to stream objects using a file system and Redis server. This configuration is optimized for storage of large objects using the file system while maintaining low latency event notifications via Redis pub/sub. However, the configuration can easily be optimized for different applications or deployments but using a different Connector with the Store for data storage and/or a different Publisher/ Subscriber implementation for event notifications via a message broker.
from proxystore.connector.file import FileConnector
from import Store
from import StreamProducer
from import RedisPublisher

store = Store('example', FileConnector(...)) # (1)!
publisher = RedisPublisher(...) # (2)!
producer = StreamProducer(publisher, {'my-topic': store}) # (3)!

for item in ...:
    producer.send('my-topic', item, evict=True) # (4)!

producer.close() # (5)!
  1. The Store configuration is determined by the producer. The StreamProducer is initialized with a mapping of topics to stores such that different communication protocols can be used for different topics. Consider using different Connector implementations depending on your deployment or data characteristics.
  2. The Publisher is the interface to a pub/sub channel which will be used for sending event metadata to consumers. The StreamProducer also supports aggregation, batching, and filtering.
  3. In the mapping of topics to stores, the None key is considered the default for when a topic is not found in the mapping. For example, {None: store} will use the same store for all topics.
  4. The state of the evict flag will alter if proxies yielded by a consumer are one-time use or not.
  5. Closing the StreamProducer will close the Publisher, all Store instances, and Connector by default.
from proxystore.connector.file import FileConnector
from proxystore.proxy import Proxy
from import StreamConsumer
from import RedisSubscriber

subscriber = RedisSubscriber(...)  # (1)!
consumer = StreamConsumer(subscriber)  # (2)!

for item in consumer: # (3)!
    assert isinstance(item, Proxy)  # (4)!

consumer.close() # (5)!
  1. The Subscriber is the interface to the same pub/sub channel that the producer is publishing event metadata to. These events are consumed by the StreamConsumer and used to generate proxies of the objects in the stream.
  2. The StreamConsumer does not need to be initialized with a Store. Stream events will contain the necessary metadata for the consumer to get the appropriate Store to use for resolving objects in the stream.
  3. Iterating on a StreamConsumer will block until new proxies are available and yield those proxies. Iteration will stop once the Publisher is closed via the StreamProducer.
  4. The yielded proxies point to objects in the Store, and the state of the evict flag inside the proxy's factory is determined in StreamProducer.send().
  5. Closing the StreamConsumer will close the Subscriber, all Store instances, and Connector by default.


By default, iterating on a StreamConsumer yields only a proxy of the next object in the stream. The iter_with_metadata(), iter_objects(), and iter_objects_with_metadata() methods provide additional mechanisms for iterating over stream data.


The StreamProducer and StreamConsumer can support multi-producer and multi-consumer deployments, respectively. However, it is not a requirement that the Publisher or Subscriber protocols to implements multi-producer or multi-consumer support. In other words, it is up to each Publisher/ Subscriber implementation to decide on and document their support for these features, and users should confirm that the specific implementations or configurations parameters produce the behavior they want.

Multi-producer. If a Publisher supports multiple producers, typically no changes are required on when initializing the corresponding StreamProducer. Each producer process can simply initialize the Publisher and StreamProducer and begin sending objects to the stream.

Multi-consumer. If a Subscriber support multiple consumers, attention should be given to the manner in which the consumers behave. If all consumers receive the full stream (i.e., each consumer receives each object in the stream), then the the evict flag of StreamProducer.send() should be set to False. This ensures that the first consumer to resolve a proxy from the stream does not delete the object data for the other consumers, but this also means that object cleanup must be handled manually by the application. Otherwise, the store will fill up with the entire stream of objects. On the other hand, if each object in the stream is only received by one consumer, then it may be safe to set evict=True.