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The Connector is a Protocol that defines the low-level interface to a mediated communication channel or object store. The Connector methods operate on bytes of data and keys which are tuples of metadata that can identify a unique object.

The protocol is as follows:

Connector Protocol
KeyT = TypeVar('KeyT', bound=NamedTuple)

class Connector(Protocol[KeyT]):
    def close(self) -> None: ...
    def config(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
    def from_config(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> Connector[KeyT]: ...
    def evict(self, key: KeyT) -> None: ...
    def exists(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: ...
    def get(self, key: KeyT) -> bytes | None: ...
    def get_batch(self, Sequence[KeyT]) -> list[bytes | None]: ...
    def put(self, obj: bytes) -> KeyT: ...
    def put_batch(self, objs: Sequence[bytes]) -> list[KeyT]: ...


Implementing a custom Connector requires creating a class which implements the above methods. Note that the custom class does not need to inherit from Connector because it is a Protocol.

Many Connector implementations are provided in the proxystore.connectors module, and users can easily create their own. A Connector instance is used by the Store to store and retrieve serialized objects.


A Connector implementation can be extended to implement the DeferrableConnector protocol. A DeferrableConnector provides methods for creating a key and then setting that key to an object at a later time. Not all of the provided Connector implementations implement the DeferrableConnector protocol because some transfer methods require the object before creating a key for that object.