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Utilities for managing reference proxy scopes and lifetimes.


Bases: Protocol

Protocol for Future objects that support callbacks.


    *refs: RefProxy[Any] | RefMutProxy[Any],
) -> None

Mark proxy references as out of scope.

This (1) decrements the reference count in the owner proxy, (2) marks the reference proxy invalid, and (3) removes the reference to the owner from the reference proxy so the reference proxy will not prevent the owned proxy from being garbage collected.



  • RuntimeError

    if a reference proxy does not have a reference to its owner.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def mark_refs_out_of_scope(
    *refs: RefProxy[Any] | RefMutProxy[Any],
) -> None:
    """Mark proxy references as out of scope.

    This (1) decrements the reference count in the owner proxy, (2)
    marks the reference proxy invalid, and (3) removes the reference to the
    owner from the reference proxy so the reference proxy will not prevent
    the owned proxy from being garbage collected.

        refs: Reference proxies to mark out of scope.

        RuntimeError: if a reference proxy does not have a reference to its
    for ref in refs:
        if not object.__getattribute__(ref, '__proxy_valid__'):
            # We've already encountered and handled this reference
        owner = object.__getattribute__(ref, '__proxy_owner__')
        if owner is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Cannot mark {owner!r} as out of scope because it has '
                'no reference to its owner.',

        if isinstance(ref, RefProxy):
            ref_count = object.__getattribute__(owner, '__proxy_ref_count__')
            object.__setattr__(owner, '__proxy_ref_count__', ref_count - 1)
        elif isinstance(ref, RefMutProxy):
            ref_count = object.__getattribute__(
            object.__setattr__(owner, '__proxy_ref_mut_count__', ref_count - 1)
            raise AssertionError('Unreachable.')

        # Remove ref's reference to owner so it no longer keeps owner alive
        object.__setattr__(ref, '__proxy_owner__', None)
        # Mark ref as invalid in case the user tries to use it after it
        # has already "gone out of scope."
        object.__setattr__(ref, '__proxy_valid__', False)


    submit_func: Callable[P, FutureT],
    args: Sequence[Any] = (),
    kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    register_custom_refs: Iterable[Any] = ()
) -> FutureT

Shim around function executor for managing reference proxy scopes.

When invoking a remote function, such as via a ProcessPoolExecutor or a FaaS system, on a proxy reference, the owner proxy will not know when the proxy references go out of scope on the remote process. This function will register a callback to the future returned by the function invocation method (submit_func) that will mark all proxy references in args and kwargs as out of scope once the future completes.

from concurrent.futures import Future
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from import Store
from import borrow

store = Store('example', ...)
proxy = store.owned_proxy([1, 2, 3])
borrowed = borrow(proxy)

with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
    future: Future[int] = submit(pool.submit, args=(sum, borrowed))
    assert future.result() == 6


To return a proxy from the invoked function, return a normal Proxy and then call into_owned() on the received result. Returning an OwnedProxy directly will often not work because the owned proxy will go out of scope when the function returns and the proxy is serialized causing the destructor of the owned proxy to evict the associated data.


  • submit_func (Callable[P, FutureT]) –

    Function with submits a function with args and kwargs to be executed (e.g., Executor.submit()).

  • args (Sequence[Any], default: () ) –

    Positional arguments to pass to submit_func. Any proxy references in args will be registered to the scope cleanup callback.

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Keyword arguments to pass to submit_func. Any proxy references in the values of kwargs will be registered to the scope cleanup callback.

  • register_custom_refs (Iterable[Any], default: () ) –

    Iterable of additional proxy references to register to the scope cleanup callback. This is helpful if args or kwargs contain complex data structures containing more proxy references.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def submit(
    submit_func: Callable[P, FutureT],
    args: Sequence[Any] = (),
    kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    register_custom_refs: Iterable[Any] = (),
) -> FutureT:
    """Shim around function executor for managing reference proxy scopes.

    When invoking a remote function, such as via a
    or a FaaS system, on a proxy reference, the owner proxy will not know when
    the proxy references go out of scope on the remote process. This function
    will register a callback to the future returned by the function
    invocation method (`submit_func`) that will mark all proxy references in
    `args` and `kwargs` as out of scope once the future completes.

        from concurrent.futures import Future
        from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
        from import Store
        from import borrow

        store = Store('example', ...)
        proxy = store.owned_proxy([1, 2, 3])
        borrowed = borrow(proxy)

        with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
            future: Future[int] = submit(pool.submit, args=(sum, borrowed))
            assert future.result() == 6


        To return a proxy from the invoked function, return a normal
        [`Proxy`][proxystore.proxy.Proxy] and then call
        [`into_owned()`][] on the received
        result. Returning an [`OwnedProxy`][]
        directly will often not work because the owned proxy will go out of
        scope when the function returns and the proxy is serialized causing
        the destructor of the owned proxy to evict the associated data.

        submit_func: Function with submits a function with args and kwargs to
            be executed (e.g.,
        args: Positional arguments to pass to `submit_func`. Any proxy
            references in `args` will be registered to the scope cleanup
        kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to `submit_func`. Any proxy
            references in the values of `kwargs` will be registered to the
            scope cleanup callback.
        register_custom_refs: Iterable of additional proxy references to
            register to the scope cleanup callback. This is helpful if `args`
            or `kwargs` contain complex data structures containing more proxy
    kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs

    refs: list[RefProxy[Any] | RefMutProxy[Any]] = [
        for ref in register_custom_refs
        if type(ref) in (RefProxy, RefMutProxy)
    refs.extend(arg for arg in args if type(arg) in (RefProxy, RefMutProxy))
        for kwarg in kwargs.values()
        if type(kwarg) in (RefProxy, RefMutProxy)

    fut = submit_func(*args, **kwargs)


    return fut