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Utilities for recording Store operation metrics.

See the Performance Guide to learn more about interacting with metrics recorded for Store operations.

KeyT module-attribute

KeyT = Union[ConnectorKeyT, Sequence[ConnectorKeyT]]

Key types supported by StoreMetrics.

ProxyT module-attribute

ProxyT = Union[Proxy[Any], Sequence[Proxy[Any]]]

Proxy types supported by StoreMetrics.

When a ProxyT is passed, the keys are extracted from the proxies.

TimeStats dataclass

    count: int = 0,
    avg_time_ms: float = 0,
    min_time_ms: float = math.inf,
    max_time_ms: float = 0,
    last_time_ms: float = 0,
    last_timestamp: float = 0,

Tracks time statistics of a reoccuring event.


  • count (int) –

    Number of times this event as occurred.

  • avg_time_ms (float) –

    Average time in milliseconds of the event.

  • min_time_ms (float) –

    Minimum time in milliseconds of all event occurrences.

  • max_time_ms (float) –

    Maximum time in milliseconds of all event occurrences.

  • last_time_ms (float) –

    Time in milliseconds of the most recent event occurrence.

  • last_timestamp (float) –

    The UNIX timestamp (seconds) of when the last event time was recorded.


as_dict() -> dict[str, Any]

Convert the dataclass to a dict.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Convert the dataclass to a [`dict`][dict]."""
    return dataclasses.asdict(self)

Metrics dataclass

    attributes: dict[str, Any] = dict(),
    counters: dict[str, int] = dict(),
    times: dict[str, TimeStats] = dict(),

Records metrics and attributes for events.


  • attributes (dict[str, Any]) –

    A mapping of attributes to their values.

  • counters (dict[str, int]) –

    A mapping of counter names to the integer value of the counter.

  • times (dict[str, TimeStats]) –

    A mapping of events to a summary of the statistics recorded over occurrences of that event.


as_dict() -> dict[str, Any]

Convert the dataclass to a dict.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Convert the dataclass to a [`dict`][dict]."""
    return dataclasses.asdict(self)



Record and query metrics on Store operations.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    self._metrics: dict[int, Metrics] = defaultdict(Metrics)


add_attribute(name: str, key: KeyT, value: Any) -> None

Add an attribute associated with the key.


  • name (str) –

    Name of attribute.

  • key (KeyT) –

    Key to add attribute to.

  • value (Any) –

    Attribute value.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def add_attribute(self, name: str, key: KeyT, value: Any) -> None:
    """Add an attribute associated with the key.

        name: Name of attribute.
        key: Key to add attribute to.
        value: Attribute value.
    self._metrics[_hash_key(key)].attributes[name] = value


add_counter(name: str, key: KeyT, value: int) -> None

Add to a counter.


  • name (str) –

    Name of counter.

  • key (KeyT) –

    Key associated with the counter.

  • value (int) –

    Amount to increment counter by.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def add_counter(self, name: str, key: KeyT, value: int) -> None:
    """Add to a counter.

        name: Name of counter.
        key: Key associated with the counter.
        value: Amount to increment counter by.
    counters = self._metrics[_hash_key(key)].counters
    if name in counters:
        counters[name] += value
        counters[name] = value


add_time(name: str, key: KeyT, time_ms: float) -> None

Record a new time for an event.


  • name (str) –

    Event or operation the time is for.

  • key (KeyT) –

    Key associated with the event.

  • time_ms (float) –

    The time in milliseconds of the event.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def add_time(self, name: str, key: KeyT, time_ms: float) -> None:
    """Record a new time for an event.

        name: Event or operation the time is for.
        key: Key associated with the event.
        time_ms: The time in milliseconds of the event.
    times = self._metrics[_hash_key(key)].times
    if name not in times:
        times[name] = TimeStats()


aggregate_times() -> dict[str, TimeStats]

Aggregate time statistics over all keys.


  • dict[str, TimeStats]

    Dictionary mapping event names to the time statistics aggregated for that event.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def aggregate_times(self) -> dict[str, TimeStats]:
    """Aggregate time statistics over all keys.

        Dictionary mapping event names to the time statistics aggregated \
        for that event.
    times: dict[str, TimeStats] = defaultdict(TimeStats)
    for metrics in self._metrics.values():
        for key, value in metrics.times.items():
            times[key] += value
    return times


get_metrics(key_or_proxy: KeyT | ProxyT) -> Metrics | None

Get the metrics associated with a key.


  • key_or_proxy (KeyT | ProxyT) –

    Key to get associated metrics. If a proxy or sequence of proxies, the key(s) will be extracted.


  • Metrics | None

    Metrics associated with the key or None if the key does not exist.

Source code in proxystore/store/
def get_metrics(self, key_or_proxy: KeyT | ProxyT) -> Metrics | None:
    """Get the metrics associated with a key.

        key_or_proxy: Key to get associated metrics. If a proxy or
            sequence of proxies, the key(s) will be extracted.

        Metrics associated with the key or `None` if the key does not \
    key_hash = _hash_key(key_or_proxy)
    if key_hash in self._metrics:
        return copy.deepcopy(self._metrics[key_hash])
    return None