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A Store is initialized with a Connector instance and provides extra functionality. Similar to the Connector, the Store exposes evict, exist, get, and put operations; however, these operations act on Python objects rather than bytes. The Store will (de)serialize objects accordingly before invoking the corresponding operation on the Connector. The Store also provides caching of operations to reduce communication costs, and objects are cached after deserialization to avoid duplicate deserialization.

However, instead of the application directly invoking these aforementioned operations, the proxy method, also provided by the Store, is used. Calling Store.proxy() puts an object in the mediated channel and returns a proxy (see example below). The object is serialized before being put in the mediated channel, a factory with the key returned by the Connector and other information necessary to retrieve the object from the mediated channel is generated, and then a new proxy, internalized with the factory, is returned.

Base Store Usage
from proxystore.connectors.redis import RedisConnector
from proxystore.proxy import Proxy
from import Store

def my_function(x: MyDataType) -> ...:
    assert isinstance(x, MyDataType)  # (1)!
    # More computation...

my_object = MyDataType(...)

with Store(
    connector=RedisConnector('localhost',  6379)  # (2)!
    register=True,  # (3)!
) as store:
    p = store.proxy(my_object)  # (4)!
    isinstance(p, Proxy)

    my_function(p) # (5)!
  1. x is resolved from "my-store" on the first use of x.
  2. The Connector defines the low-level communication method used by the Store.
  3. Passing the register=True will call register_store() automatically to register the instance globally by name. This enables proxies to reuse the same store instance to improve performance.
  4. Store the object and get a proxy.
  5. Always succeeds regardless of if p is the true object or a proxy.

Asynchronous Resolving

It is common in distributed computation for inputs to functions executed remotely to not be needed immediately upon execution. Proxies created by a Store support asynchronous resolution to overlap communication and computation.

from import resolve_async

def complex_function(large_proxied_input):

   # More computation...

   # First access to the proxy will not be as expensive because
   # of the asynchronous resolution


The Store provides built in caching functionality. Caches are local to the Python process but will speed up the resolution when multiple proxies refer to the same object.

from import Store

# Cache size of 16 is the default
Store('example', connector=..., cache_size=16)

Transactional Guarantees

ProxyStore is designed around optimizing the communication of ephemeral data (e.g., inputs and outputs of functions) which is typically write-once, read-many. Thus, ProxyStore does not provide update semantics on keys.


All Store operations use ProxyStore's provided serialization utilities (proxystore.serialize) by default. However, the Store can be initialized with custom default serializers or deserializers of the form:

serializer = Callable[[Any], bytes]
deserializer = Callable[[bytes], Any]
Most methods also support specifying an alternative serializer or deserializer to the default. Implementing a custom serializer may be beneficial for complex structures where pickle/cloudpickle (the default serializers used by ProxyStore) are innefficient. E.g.,

import torch
import io

from proxystore.serialize import serialize
from import Store

def serialize_torch_model(obj: Any) -> bytes:
   if isinstance(obj, torch.nn.Module):
       buffer = io.BytesIO(), buffer)
       # Fallback for unsupported types
       return serialize(obj)

mymodel = torch.nn.Module()

store = Store(...)
key = store.put(mymodel, serializer=serialize_torch_model)


In some cases, data may already be serialized in which case an identity function can be passed as the serializer (e.g., lambda x: x). However, populate_target=False should also be set in this case to avoid prepopulating the proxy with the serialized target object. See the Store docstring for more information.

Rather than providing a custom serializer or deserializer to each method invocation, a default serializer and deserializer can be provided when initializing a new Store. See Issue #146 for further discussion on where custom serializers can be helpful.